Monday 3 December 2012

Lazy Sunday

Sunday got off to a late start and we ended up at the John Street Cafe in Cottesloe for breakfast, sat on the pavement having a real feast. As we have only ever had breakfast out twice before it still comes as a surprise, albeit a nice one. There is something rather pleasing about having a huge plate of food on the pavement.

After breakfast we walked on the beach at Cottesloe, a true depiction of the Australian life, golden sands, life savers and the possibility of sharks in the swimming area. Whilst we were there we saw two dolphins playing at the end of a groin, an absolutely marvellous sight. The picture created was that ideal we were all fed in primary school, miles of golden beaches, blue seas and bright sunshine.

After Cottesloe we drove to King's Park right in the heart of Perth and walked on the boardwalk to see two wonderful view points. The park area itself is huge and well worth a vist on any trip to Perth.
On our return home, imagine our surprise to find that the next beach down from Cottesloe had been closed because a great white shark was cruising in the swimming area. The beach was closed for three hours. It doesn't make me very keen to get in the water.

We had a very peaceful and quiet afternoon watching the South African establish a throttle hold on the third test , a great meal and wonderful conversation all outside, a real treat.

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