Sunday 24 January 2016

Sunday stated quietly with breakfast out in a restaurant by the river. After breakfast we headed off to the harbour and walked along the esplanade crossing the entrance to the harbour crossing the helix bridge, so called as it was built to reflect the make up of DNA?
We then decided to visit the museum of science and technology which is housed in a building that looks like a lotus flower. It really is an interesting building very reflective of modern Singaporean architecture.
We spent an hour touring an exhibition about the hadron collider at CERN and all of us came to the conclusion that we needed to go away and read something more about it. Our knowledge of nuclear physics is sadly wanting.
We walked back to the tube and made our way home stopping first to pick up a carrier bag that David had left in the restaurant the night before. As it contained his birthday present from his friends it was rather important.
David cooked us a wonderful meal in the evening and we retired to bed.

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