Friday 5 April 2013

A day of daring do.

One of the things we have fallen in love with here is the chance Togo out and kayaking the lagoon together, today was quite rough and we had some fun with the kayak in the waves.
Imagine our surprise at one point in the trip when we spotted an empty canoe drifting about  eighty yards from us. We made up our mind to go and collect it thinking that some idiot hadn't beached it properly and it had drifted out to sea. As we went to collect it we saw a swimmer in the water about a hundred yards away and as he was waving a canoe paddle it became very clear to us that he had become parted from his canoe. So we collected the canoe and began to tow it out to him. I say we but the brave expedition commander had to do almost all of the paddling as I was towing the canoe. When we reached him, he was very grateful to see us. We pulled his canoe alongside ours and every lesson or instruction I had came back to me. We held his canoe front and back and laid our paddles across it , he was then able to clamber out of the water into it and was very grateful. Apparently he had been sunbathing in the canoe and had lost his paddle overboard, he then dived in to collect the paddle and the canoe had drifted away. Any way we felt very pleased with ourselves and felt that we had done our good deed for the day.
The rest of the day was spent snorkelling, which we are now really getting the hang of , there are some spectacular fish right in close to the shore here. We also went for a swim in the pool and just relaxed.
We had fun collecting our ticket to visit Suva by bus tomorrow. We had gone in to book this the night before and had paid for it to go on Friday. The woman in the office said there was some problem with the voucher printer and asked us if we could go back into the office on Thursday to pick it up, we , of course, agreed. So straight after breakfast we headed for the office to be told by a different lady that we had booked for Thursday and that they had phoned our room several times and that we had missed the bus. The expedition manager was not in the least it pleased and she let the lady in the office know it. The result was that we were rebooked for Friday, but every time we passed the office the lady called out to remind us the bus left at nine thirty, I took this in fairly good heart, but the expedition manager was all for starting another diplomatic incident. We knew we had booked for Friday, and had we booked for Thursday we would have been there on time.
A quiet salad in our room for supper and we were ready for bed, a big adventure in Suva tomorrow.

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