Sunday, 21 April 2013

The End
And so we are now at home, suffering a little from post travel blues, trying hard to acclimatise and finding the cold difficult to bear.
Would we do it again? Yes we would.
Did we learn a huge amount? Yes we did.
In general, all of the people we met were kind and caring, in fact the spirit of human kindness we encountered was probably often more than we deserved.
We started out calling the whole expedition a holiday, but somewhere along the way it became a journey, we have a bucket load of memories which will last us for the rest of our lives.
The whole thing was truly educative. We now have a much better understanding for example of Australian politics, life in Bali and the current situation in Fiji.
In America it was clear to us that it is not all sweetness and light, seeing tent cities in Los Angeles brings it home to you.
It is impossible to pick one best place or best memory out of so many, how can you compare the temples in Angor Wat to the fiords in South Island, New Zealand?
Thank you to all those who put us up, helped us when we needed it, or greeted us with a cheery wave or a smile.

And does the blog continue? I am not sure but if it does we will rename it landrathome, I imagine it will be up and running in a week or so. Thank you to the 2200 people who have taken the time to read this blog, who have encouraged me to carry on writing, who have forgiven my typing mistakes and ignored the grammatical errors. I would have appreciated more of an interaction with some of you to try and understand what you found interesting in these meanderings. All I hope is that you have enjoyed our adventures, who knows there may be more in years to come.

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