Wednesday 30 December 2015

All of us felt refreshed after our Boxing Day and as David's cleaner comes on Sunday we had to go out. David went for an early morning bike ride and we agreed to meet him in a cafe across the road for breakfast. After breakfast we walked along the river and generally spent time observing Singapore relaxing. The whole idea of going out for breakfast is still a strange one for us but it is very enjoyable and host I am not sure we will go out for breakfast in the UK it is a pleasure we enjoy when we are away.
 New bikes and scooters filled the river bank and we did very little apart from just walking  and talking.
In the late afternoon we made our way to Daivid and Kate's , two friends of David's, who had invited us to a barbecue. The venue was the pool area of their condominium block which was spectacular. Small pools for children, intermediate pools and large pools. The group was fairly large and very universal, South Africans, Canadians, British and Japanese. There were small children and two grandmothers and a good time was had by all. We didn't stay very late as we were travelling to Vietnam the next day and there was still packing to do. If I am totally honest I also think that none of us relished the idea of travelling with a hangover!

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