Friday, 4 December 2015

Our last day on the road had arrived and there was a general feeling of despondency in the camp. After a leisurely breakfast we headed off on the road back to Gisborne. This was to be a journey of several stops.
First of all we stopped to see if Sally's niece was home but. Unfortunately she wasn't , then we stopped to buy some apricots. A further stop was necessary to purchase some strawberries and then we had a stop at a hardware shop where Andy had a voucher to spend.
Having spent the voucher on a camping chair we set  off on our way only to stop at a chocolate factory which sold some very expensive chocolates, we only bought a few and the tour manager was heard to complain about the price.
The rest of the journey back to Gisborne was uneventful passing through some wild country inhabited by hundreds of goats which roam free. The road rose through some very high hills  and then levelled on a plateau which was used for pasture.
Reflecting back on the week's travel we had enjoyed it, the tour manager passed it a reasonable activity although she was still muttering about not being allowed to look in clothes shops in Wellington. The company had been excellent, the food was relatively good and as we chose where to eat it can only have been our fault anyway.
The scenery had been fantastic the Tongoriro volcanoes being one of the high spots, the people had been very friendly and helpful and NZ is certainly somewhere we would onto again.
There is a certain element of sadness about coming home which in my opinion verges on mild depression so the general feeling was a little low.
We did some washing and then went to Gisborne's food fair which was excellent, no stall holder was allowed to charge more than five dollars for their food and we tried Indian and Thai food which was very good.
This was followed by a couple of bottles of wine and the mood of the company had lifted  by the time we were ready for bed.

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