Tuesday 6 November 2012

A day of travelling.
We due to be picked up 10.30 and our little man turned up right on time.He was the same bloke who had picked us up from the Airport and he appeared genuinely pleased to see us. The journey to the airport was eventless and we had two hours to kill before our flight. Now kicking around in an airport for two hours when you can't check in your bags because it is an internal flight, is not my idea of a good time.
We sat by two American sisters who were enjoying a typical American one day tour. One night in Phnom Penh, one in Siem Reap, one in Saigon, one in Ho Chi Minh City.I have been inThailand for about three weeks now and I still have no idea about what goes on there or what makes Thai people tick so how can any one form an impression of a place after just one day? Their travel plans had been affected by Hurricane Sandy and they had lost a whole night and therefore, presumably a whole country as well. They were relatively good company and they had "done" England and had really enjoyed bed and breakfast.
The flight was painless but when we arrived it was in the middle of a tropical rain storm, the rain was coming down in stair rods and the road in was under water , it would be fair to say our driver took it very slowly. Luckily for us it started to ease off just as we arrived at our hotel.
Our hotel is quite nice although our room overlooks the stage where there is a nightly dancing show between 7 and 9 pm. Having heard the music last night,it is, in my opinion,up on a par with the Launceston Silver Belles, apart from the fact it is played on a wooden xylophone rather than a metal one.I am fairly sure it is a five note scale as well. So all in all bit  plinky plonky. Two hours of it is certainly plenty.
Perhaps there is a place for me on Miserable Old Gits  after all.

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