Friday, 30 November 2012

Sunny Perth

Wednesday morning started in Perth with pouring rain and a force six gale, so much for it being balmy here. In true Cornish fashion we showed total disregard for the weather and went on a walk that Richard had shown us on the way home the night before. This walk was along the Swan River bank and probably was not the wisest decision we have ever made. We struggled to walk into the wind, and the river was so rough it was breaking its banks with spray covering the footpath. We walked along the path with the wind behind us and saw a black swan and her cygnets. As the trees were moving about  in the wind I pointed out to Rosemarie that it wasn't a very wise thing to do to stand under a tree to take photographs. We saw branches being blown down and decided that we might as well surrender and catch a bus into the city centre. Not only was it so bad that I had to put a raincoat on but also I was cold!!!
In Perth we found a phone store and bought a new SIM card for Rosemarie's phone. We had a sandwich in a food court and walked around some shops and Serling Gardens before catching the bus home again, as we didn't know where to get off the bus and our description was not understood by the bus driver, it was a fairly interesting journey home. Part of our problem was that we had caught a different bus into Perth. we did however get a concessionaire fare both ways because the first bus driver felt we looked old enough, this didn't go down too well with Rosemarie.
We returned home wind swept and cold but felt that we had really explored Perth City.

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