Friday 9 November 2012

Yesterday we had agreed not to get up too early and to visit the Royal Gardens and the National Museum of Angkor.We had not planned on 35C as soon as we got up and the walk to the gardens, all of about half a mile was extremely tiring. The National Museum was well worth the trip although a little expensive at 12 dollars each. No bags or water allowed in the museum so everything had to be left we did get a rather nice little bag for Rosemarie to put her purse and camera in.
The museum had a room of 1000 Buddha images which was really difficult to take in, but we did stay for over three hours learning quite a lot about the history of the Khmer people.
One of the most plaintiff cries you will ever hear is that of the Tuk Tuk driver touting for business. We can hardly take a step out of the Hotel without being asked if we want a Tuk Tuk . Even when you are walking they will pull up beside you and ask you if you want one. "No" does not seem to be a definite enough answer as far as we can see.
Anyway as it was so hot we got a Tuk Tuk back to the hotel. This sounds quite easy until you realise that you have to barter over the price, I start at one dollar (62p) he starts at three and we settle for a dollar and a half. Cheap at half the price.
We stayed at our hotel in the afternoon enjoying another swim before going into town to the Khmer Kitchen for another meal. A good reason for going is that they are playing Plinky Plonky music quite loudly just below our room again.
We get a Tuk Tuk back after our meal and repeat almost exactly the performance we had in the morning.
We decide on an walk rly night as we have to be up at 6.00 to visit Angkor Wat tomorrow.

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