Friday 9 November 2012

I have finally realised that blogging must be a little compulsive. I haven't blogged for a couple of days and suddenly felt very guilty about letting everybody down. The truth is I missed doing it!!!!
Our first morning in Siem Reap was spent looking at the temples in the town . Of these Wat Bo was our arou rite, a run down site parts of which are being reconstructed. We met a monk who wanted to practice his English and he pointed us to the old building. As we reached the building across the court yard a small wizened man appeared and asked us if we wanted to go  inside. In fact he said "Inside?" He produced some keys and opened the main doors for us and then threw back the window shades, revealing some beautiful wall paintings which we later learned were 19th century. The colours were absolutely fantastic.
After that we visited another temple which was also being reconstructed and then a third which was an old royal palace which had hundreds of stupas in the garden. Enough temples said Rosemarie and we plunged headlong into the old market, where on one stall we were treated to a right royal display of masterful sales techniques. Rosemarie got a scarf and a handbag and we bought ourselves a couple of cheap copy watches.
Back to the hotel for a beer and an afternoon swim. In the evening we went to the Khmer Kitchen which as the name suggests serves traditional Cambodian food. The food was excellent and really cheap, Two large bottles of beer and two main courses for 14 dollars. Roughly about £9.30.
We walked back along "Pub Street", yes I know it's a bit naff and through the night market where luckily for me the traders failed to persuade Rosemarie to open her purse.
All in all an interesting and relaxing day.

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