Thursday 1 November 2012

Last night in the hotel a chemical company held  a works do on the  lawn, about 60 yards from our  room. The lawn was covered with tables and chairs, multi coloured balloons were tied to trees and paper lanterns lit the area. The whole thing looked idyllic. The entertainment which appears to have been professional consisted as far as we were concerned of a braying comedian who appeared to present prizes and a professional female singer, who was quite good. The amplification certainly meant that we could hear everything very clearly in our room until about 11.30 when they suddenly turned the whole thing down which was really very good of them. Some rooms that were slightly closer than ours must have found it all a little overwhelming.
We went early on the bus to our restaurant on the Pacific and enjoyed another good meal before coming back to pack. A 5.45 am start meant an early night and we were the first into breakfast at 6.30. The staff were clearly shocked and the fruit wasn't even unpacked.
Our pick up was there right on time and although not very communicative was very helpful and left us with our suitcases at the airport check in desk. We are now waiting in Bangkok  for our flight to Phnom Penh.
We were delighted to see the beach raker back at work yesterday following the storm. The tides had deposited all sorts of detritus on the foreshore. Anyway, when he was finished, Rosemarie held a careful inspection of his work before declaring that he had done a really good job!Very  nice and tidy!
Both of us are a little sad to be leaving Anantara because it was such a relaxing place, it is one of those palce we might return to some time I the future, who can tell?

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