Saturday 3 November 2012

Our day of travelling was interesting. We wee picked up early by Mr Charm Personified and his driver side kick Mr Taciturn. We made really good time to the airport and arrived 3 hours early so some spent a pleasant time in the Bangkok Airways Lounge.
To get to the plane we had to take a bus which was a very pleasant tour around Bangkok Airport to arrive at our flying vessel and discover it was named "Hiroshima". Now I don't know about you but when I think of Hiroshima my first thoughts are not of a very pleasant garden city with ancient history, I rather tend to think of Enola Gay. Anyway we were upgraded to business class and we really enjoyed the experience . Although it would be nice on a trip that was slightly longer than an hour.
Our arrival Phnom Penh airport was interesting, it is just slight ly larger than Exeter and there was one other  plane on the tarmac. Purchasing our visas cost 2000 Thai Baht, we got dollars out of the ATM and changed 100 into Cambodian Reals to receive 380,000. 6000 reals to the pound.
We then tried Rosemarie's phone to discover that Thai phones do not roam in Cambodia so we had to buy a SIM card for 20 dollars. Nothing like spending your first hour in a country dealing with all the paraphernalia!
Our transfer was waiting for us and he was very friendly on the 30 minute ride to our hotel, teaching us some Cambodian phrases and explaining to us about being safe at night.
The hotel is very nice and over.ooks the American Embassy so if there any protests we will be able to see them first hand.
Our evening of delights ended in the Titanic restaurant, from Hiroshima to a major iceberg disaster who could ask for more?
The meal was very good , Rosemarie had fish amok and I had beef with pineapple both were excellent.
The currency here takes a little getting used to. All prices are in US dollars but as we have quite a lot of Cambodian Reals we need to use them, they have no exchange value outside of Cambodia.
So if we pay for a 4 dollar drink in the hotel it costs 16,000 Reals. So we give them 20,000 and get a dollar bill in our change. Basically the Real is unstable and no one wants to deal in them. Good news for us all round.

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